9 things you shouldn’t say to a pregnant woman

Future mothers often face views, smiles and comments, for their situation and for their new role in life. However, it happens that sometimes these comments,affect in a bad way.
These situations do not mean that you have bad intentions or that you’re ignorant, but that does not mean you don’t cause unwanted reactions to the woman who is in a hormonal chaos. So, we will present you ten things that  pregnant women don’t want to hear.

 " I feel pregnant too!"
Short and clear - if you are not really pregnant then this comparison is inappropriate.

“Waw you’re so fat”                                                                                                                                                      Pregnancy make women gain weight and this propably affects on their social life. Is it nice to comment on the weight of a person who fights kilogram? Never and  I mean never say to a pregnant woman that she’s really fat because it’s just a biological process and you will make her feel bad.

"Indeed, no need to ..."
Exercise. Come to work. Pregnancy is not a disease, and if with  your comments  you create the impression that it is a  serious medical condition, future mothers will start to feel as though they are handicapped.

"I think you shouldn’t ..."
Use epidural anesthesia during childbirth. Trying at any cost to give birth naturally. Allow partners to take part in the east. Birth plan, for each pregnant woman is personal. If she wants your opinion, she will  require it to you.

"Enjoy these last months of freedom!"
Being a mother for most women is the most  exciting and important role. The view of "eternal slavery",  is the last thing a pregnant woman wants to hear. Negative comments about raising children, simply keep them to yourself.

"You should’t eat/drink this"
Pregnant women instinctively feel what they can and what can not  eat / drink. Also, the desire for a certain kind of food, is defined hormones and  the inner feeling. So if she wants to eat / drink anything at any cost, let her.

"Your baby will be fat/ skinny"
What does every pregnant woman thinks about? Of course, on how the baby will come in this world! But the doctor who forwarded pregnancy and who performs the ultrasound examinations, is the only person who can assess the baby's size, potential risks and complication of the future mother.

"What if your baby ..."
Can’t see? Can’t listen? There are any chromosomal disorder? Future mothers spend more time thinking about how "what if", so they do not need someone to  reinforce concerns and hidden fears.

"You look tired."
Carrying the baby for nine months, is no easy job. Therefore, if a pregnant woman looks tired, she is tired. It is understandable that in this situation is not at all necessary that someone reminds them how it feels and how it looks. It is best to give them the support and compliment "You look fantastic!"


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