Counselling before getting pregnant

Congratulations! You've decided to have a baby. For this child to be as healthy as possible, you should immediately begin to look after him and yourself. Caring for a new life begins now. Prenatal care means advising, monitoring and treatment during your pregnancy until  birth.

The object of prenatal care is to provide you and every pregnant woman that pregnancy will end with the birth of a healthy child and without harming the maternal health.

Careful control before delivery helps you to protect your  health during pregnancy, finds in time and enables the treatment of pathologies and creates the conditions for the birth of a healthy child and at the right time. It also enables your submission to a specialised center if you have problems.

Pregnancy is a physiological event, inherent in your life, but in 5-20% of cases could be complicated by pathological processes that threaten your health or the health of your child.

Progress depends on the health before pregnancy, so counseling before becoming pregnant, is an important part of prenatal care.

This type of counseling also gives priority to planned pregnancies. It is of crucial importance, because in time reveals that cases should be treated early, such as those with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and other metabolic diseases or inherited.

In summary the pre-conception consists of:

• Identification of potential risks through reproductive and family medical history, nutritional status, exposure to drugs, poisons and social problems, for every woman who wishes to become pregnant.

• Identification of existing diseases and finding ways to prevent problems arising from them.

• Determining the genetic status of the couple.

• Discussion of immunization status (vaccinations that have done so far).

• Perform various analyzes, which may be necessary for your situation now.

• Advice on nutrition, overweight or underweight.

• The discussion on social and financial situation.

• Evaluation of prenatal care and the advantages it offers over the pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.

 The goal of good control during pregnancy is to ensure your health and maintain a healthy baby until birth.

This can be achieved through the following steps:

1. First, birth control should be subjected to certain rules and individual plan for each future mother.

2. During pregnancy some visits should be made and these are implemented by qualified personnel.

3. During these visits should be diagnosed potential problems and risk factors for you and your baby.

4. Should be carefully evaluated the welfare of the baby.

5. During this period should be provided a continuous education of health to you as the next mother.

Remember that prenatal visits are very important and that your control and the baby, though rare, is always better than not examined at all.


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