Pregnancy Nausea

Vomiting in the morning can be present all day, and in rare cases can clog the intake of food to such an extent that it prevents the normal development of the embryo. For most women, morning vomit relax at the end of the first quarter, but any of pregnant women can face these concerns to the first movements of the baby. In rare cases, some pregnant, vomiting accompanying morning until late  pregnancy.
Problem occurrence of vomiting in the morning, is not entirely clear. It is certain that the center of vomiting, pain and nausea occur in the brain called the medulla oblongata. There are large number of theories that try to explain how this part of the brain stimulated during pregnancy. Gynecologists believe that the high level of pregnancy hormone hCG in the blood of Pregnancy in the first quarter of pregnancy, may be one of the causes of excessive harassment and nausea vomiting center. Other causes which may have been responsible for the vomiting  are failing food or malnutrition, or improper digestion of food due to the release of muscular tone under the action of the hormone increase during pregnancy , progesterone.

Morning vomiting are usually more frequent and more severe forms of the first pregnancy, which goes against the understanding that physical and mental fatigue is among the factors. After the first pregnancy is the first encounter with large amounts of hormones, body pregnant woman at this time is not yet sufficiently prepared, compared with future pregnancies. Pregnant which remain pregnant for the first time, however, are the busiest in terms of performance and mental fears and end of pregnancy, which can then manifest concern with vomiting of pregnancy . Pregnant women who have children, in a way not have much time to think about the pregnancy for a fraction of the time and use their children who require care.
There are many ways that type complaints of vomiting of pregnancy - morning, be mitigated. Some of these will be mentioned, such as:
* Food should be taken in portions, frequent meals (before you feel hungry) and less. Where remains empty stomach or fall in blood sugar level of intake over long periods of time, hydrochloric acid of the stomach mucosa harassing, and even more so bullied-provoked afflictions and vomiting. So better 6-meal portions smaller than 3 large.
* Eat before you disturbances and vomiting occur because food prevents many times vomiting.
* So, in the morning, take food first before you wake up from bed. Before you go to asleep, get some food rich in protein and complex carbohydrates such as a glass of milk with tea, cake or some raisins. It is good to have near the bed, in order for them to not be forced to rise.
* Take care to reduce stress and mental overload, because the nausea of ​​morning show of women more psychological problems. Even physical fatigue but also enhance or promote psychological screening of nausea and vomiting. More time should pay the rest but sleep.
* Provision of vitamin B6 in amounts of 50 mg (or 25 mg tablet 2x1) helps relieve anxiety. Other drugs taken only with your doctor's proposal.
* A significant number of pregnant women giving reacts well to the grass plant-based Indian origin (Nux Vomica), which shows positive effects respectively calms nausea and vomiting of morning pregnant.


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