Fatigue...9 Reasons

Cause No. 1: Insufficient Sleep
This has negative effects on concentration and health. Per adult is required at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.It is important to establish a regular sleep program.A simple advice, remove the laptop, the mobile, TV from your room or the bedroom.If these measures do not bring any improvement then seek the help of a specialist for a sleep disorder.

Cause No. 2: The Sleep Apnea
In some cases, people think they get enough of sleep, but they are not aware that some episodes of sleep apnea have accompanied them. Sleep apnea is a brief interruption of breathing during the night.Although during  this episode someone can wake up for a few moments, he is not aware of this phenomena.As a result he feels depressed.Some simple measures that can be taken to avoid or at least reduce  apnea episodes are: lose weight, quit smoking, etc.

Cause No. 3: "Supply" insufficient
Eating too little causes fatigue the same as eating inappropriate foods.The important thing is getting a balanced diet complementing the body's glucose requirements cause the fall of the blood glucose level is the cause of weakness or tiredness It is indispensable daily consumption of breakfast meal and meeting the needs for glucose and protein at every meal.It is recommended to consume small meals to keep an  intermediate  basic level of energy.

Cause No. 4: Anemia
It is one of the most common causes of weakness for women. This comes mostly from menstrual blood loss caused by a deficiency of iron in the project region, which brings an absolute reduction of red blood cells used for the transport of oxygen to tissues.In such cases it is important supplemental iron intake, consumption of iron-rich foods such as meat, liver, fish, beans, fortified cereals etc..

Cause No. 5: Depression
Depression is not just an affective disorder, but also influences many physical symptoms, like fatigue, headache, anorexia.The feeling of fatigue and psychological condition lasting over 2 weeks should lead to a consultation with a psychologist.

Cause No. 6: Excessive consumption of coffee
Reduced doses of caffeine can improve concentration and vigilance.But when consumed in large amounts causes increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, irritability, fatigue, etc..The solution is, the gradual reduction of consumption of coffee, tea, chocolate, and any medicine that contains caffeine.Stopping the immediate consumption of these products can cause withdrawal symptoms [abstinence] and increase the sense of fatigue

Cause No. 7: The secret urinary infections
Sometimes the only symptoms of a urinary  infection is fatigue. Doing a test confirms urinary infection.With the use of antibiotics usually wanes fatigue.

Cause No. 8: Diabetes
For diabetics, although the consumption of food is enough , glucose can't  reach the cell where energy will be converted, and so the body will feel fatigue and a feeling of tiredness persists weakness.
In the treatment of diabetes include: change of lifestyle, diet, exercise, insulin therapy, etc..

Cause No. 9: Dehydration
Fatigue may be the first sign of dehydration.The recommended consumption is at least 2 glasses of water per hour, especially during the hot season or during physical activity.


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