What happens when you skip breakfast

Often breakfast is accompanied by a morning coffee and a fast biscuit, but rather than avoid the first meal of the day, pay more importance and do it as healthy as possible and positive results will be seen immediately.

One more reason to say NO to tobacco

The new study reveals that women who consume cigarettes have the double risk to develop rheumatoid arthritis, an incurable disease that leads to inflammation of the joints.The lungs and the whole body suffer from the consequences of tobacco consumption and is now proven

Nails Care

Here are some tips to care for your nails. 1. Removal of the skin around the nails For a beautiful view of hands, except regular care cream, you should remove the skin around the nails that peel

9 things you shouldn’t say to a pregnant woman

Future mothers often face views, smiles and comments, for their situation and for their new role in life. However, it happens that sometimes these comments,affect in a bad way.

What Causes a Sunburn (and How to Treat It Fast!)

With the summer sun beating down, spending quality time outside—whether you’re working out or vacationing—is a given. And though you likely know all the rules about wearing sunscreen, sometimes you just forget. Sunburns are no fun and can be dangerous, but there are ways to alleviate the pain and soothe the burn.

What You Need to Know

Sunburns are most common among adults 18 to 29 years old. In fact, 65 percent of white people in that age group reported at least one sunburn in the past year, according to the CDC.
And this may come as no surprise, but it’s not the heat that’s causing that burn. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light does the damage. When exposed to UV rays from the sun, your skin accelerates the production of melanin—a substance that gives pigment to your skin and gives you your natural color. That melanin-in-overdrive is what gives you a tan. And that tan is your body’s natural sunblocker—and the only defense you naturally have against the sun.
But the melanin can only do so much. How much melanin your body can produce is determined by genetics, and most people don’t produce enough to protect the skin well. The eventual result is a sunburn.
But it goes beyond red skin and weird tan lines. In some cases, blisters can form, and the skin may even swell—a condition called edema. In more severe situations, sun poisoning a.k.a. polymorphic light eruption—can occur. Symptoms of this type sun allergy include tiny red bumps or patches of red skin, blisters, hives, and even bleeding.
Studies have shown that getting burned regularly can significantly increase a person’s risk of developing skin cancer later in life. In particular, one study found that women who got five or more blistering sunburns between the ages of 15 and 20 were at an 80 percent increased risk for melanoma. Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer and requires immediate attention from a doctor.

Your Action Plan

Be smart in the sun. The easiest way to treat a sunburn is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Apply sunscreen regularly. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using one that is broad spectrum (meaning it protects against UVA and UVB rays), water resistant, and has an SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher. You should also consider staying out of the sun during the middle of the day (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.), wearing protective clothing, and avoid tanning beds. You can also chow down on some sun-friendly foods, like salmon, which contains omega-3 fatty acids that may help block some UV rays.
If it's too late, here’s how to treat your burn:

  • Cool Off. Lightly apply a cool compress like a wet washcloth to the burned skin. However, skip the ice. It can damage your skin or irritate the burn even more. If it’s too painful to use a cool compress, you can also run cool water (but not ice cold) over the burn for 10 or 15 minutes.
  • Soothe the sore. Try applying some aloe to help reduce skin inflammation. Skip skin products that contain alcohol—this may dry out skin even more.
  • Hit the pharmacy. Taking an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen or aspirin may help. If your sunburn is extremely uncomfortable, you may be able to get a topical prescription from your doc for diclofenac, which according to one study, may reduce pain and swelling.
  • Don’t pop the blisters. If blisters appear, don’t break them. Instead, cover them lightly with gauze. If they do break, apply an antibiotic ointment and then cover them with gauze.
  • Avoid tight clothing. This sounds like a no-brainer, but if your hands or arms are burned and swollen, remove any tight rings, bracelets or watches while you heal. Likewise, you’ll probably be more comfortable in loose clothing.

How To Detect Breast Cancer Early

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time when the country pulls out their pink ribbons, make donations, run a few miles and posts a chain status to Facebook in recognition of this disease. For those fighting breast cancer and for their loved ones, who can only watch, the battle goes way beyond October.
It’s an everyday struggle that lasts their entire lives. It’s the daily question of whether they're going to live. It’s a young woman who struggles to fathom how to live through the rest of her live without the advice or touch of her mother. It’s a young woman who doesn’t have to fathom it, but has to face it. When someone loses that fight, the immeasurable loss haunts their families forever. The most important element missing from this equation is the period before cancer happens — that’s the time to make a change. Here are three must-do early detection ways find breast cancer before it finds you.

Step 1: Never miss a checkup

"She didn't miss her mammogram by choice," said Romina Schaan, a 21-year-old college student whose mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011.
A year and a half before the diagnosis, Schaan’s mother went in for her routine mammogram, and it came back entirely clear. There were no lumps, spots or warnings. She was 100 percent cancer-free, and according to her daughter, the perfect image of health. Schaan’s mother didn’t have health insurance when it was time for her next routine checkup, but cancer didn't wait.
"In a year and a half it managed to become stage four," Schaan said.
The cancer had spread to her breast bone, but doctors assured her she would be one of the lucky few to be cured. Despite aggressive treatment and the hopes of her family, however, the cancer spread to her lungs, brain, liver and other bones. Her health deteriorated rapidly and she passed away only weeks after watching her daughter walk down the aisle.
Never miss a checkup with a doctor, whether this be a mammogram or a clinical breast exam -- there is never a valid excuse or reason, and if you think there is, cancer won’t care.

Step 2: Breast self-exam

We’ve all seen the posters for them in the bathroom stalls and doctor's office, but how many of us actually do it?
My mom did, and it was the difference between life and death.
She was taking a shower and while she was rubbing soap on her breasts, her own designed check-up, and she felt something strange -- a firm, small and unmistakable lump. She made the mistake of waiting three months, but with pleas from her family, didn’t wait one second more. She got insurance and after two surgeries, extreme radiation, a strong fight and five years of Tamoxifen, she is, thankfully, alive.
I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn't checked her breasts that day. It’s important to incorporate this into our weekly or at least monthly lives so we are familiar with our breasts and able to detect any changes. Learn the simple steps and make it a part of your life.
Here are the red flags to always be looking for, according to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s website :
  • Lump, hard knot or thickening inside the breast or underarm area
  • Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening of the breast
  • Change in the size or shape of the breast
  • Dimpling or puckering of the skin
  • Itchy, scaly sore or rash on the nipple
  • Pulling in of your nipple or other parts of the breast
  • Nipple discharge that starts suddenly
  • New pain in one spot that doesn’t go away

Step 3: It’s never too early to start checking

For those who are in their early 20s like me, it’s too early to start breast self-exams or read up on breast cancer developments, right?
Wrong. It’s never too early, especially with people being exposed every day to hormones, radiation and health hazards that other generations never had. We have a cell phone to our ear, hormone-fed everything and computers on our laps to write articles on daily basis. We are all at risk; one in eight women under 45 will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
Once you turn 20, start having a clinical breast exam every three years. Once you turn 40, it should be every year. Also stay informed about the latest breast cancer developments and treatments. Ask if you really need that X-ray or CT scan, for example.
Romina Schaan's mother left behind children, grandchildren and a husband of 35 years. During her mother's treatment, Schaan met many young women with more than breast cancer; they had children, and babies. She doesn't want to share the same fate, especially with a beautiful life ahead with her new husband. Schaan and has already started getting yearly breast exams and aims to stay informed and conscious of her health.
"My family can't leave this in the past -- it's our life now and the glue that held us together is gone," Schaan said. "The difference a few months make cannot be stressed enough. It is life or death."
It’s never too early to start fighting breast cancer -- your mother would agree.    

Beauty Of The Eyes - Make Up

Eyes show the beauty of the face it blessing of God.  Flashing and broad eyes are expansive treasure of a women and these eyes saye every thing befor speaking.Beautiful eyes become more shinefull and broad with the use of Make up.
Eye Shadow play main role in the world of the fashion. Eye shadow use at the end of the mascara and eyelines.If your eyes beautiful give them apparant look.And try to avoide the eyelines in day because in the light of the sun your make up look very dark which left bad empact on the beauty of the face.

Eye Makeup Tips:
First of all you need a full knowledge of eye makeup applications and the stuff related to eye makeup. Lack of knowledge in this regard may distract your personality & out look.
Eye shadow is the essential part of eye makeup. Before doing eye makeup you should have to wear the right eye shadow. First apply primary color as this is the color you will stand out the most. After that, apply the lighter or secondary color above it and below the brow.
Eyeliner is the next step. Apply eyeliner with a smooth hand to create a perfect look. There is a lot of eyeliner available in the market. You can buy one as per your choice and your skin tone. Start doing eye lining at the inside corner, and work your way to the outside.
Mascara is another essential step. To make your lashes outstanding, us an eye lash curler.
Pack your eyes with concelear. You can use it to hide the under eye circles. To cover dark circles apply three dots of concelear under each eye. Never rub with harsh or hard finger as this is the very sensitive skin area of eye.
You can also brighten your eyes with a highlighter. Dab a finger in a light ye shadow and then press it into the inner core of your eyes where the upper lid meets the bottom lid. This totally makes your eyes extra large and extra ordinary beautiful.

Home Remedies to Remove Sun Tan From Your Body

Summer is here! All you lovely ladies must be excited to put on your summer dress and have some fun outdoors. But all the fun goes away as you get the ugly tan not only in your face but also hands and feet. Suntan can be really embarrassing especially due to dual skin tone. 

It is has been observed that the majority of the ladies are concerned about tan in their face and completely ignore their hands and feet. Sunburn on any part of the body should not be ignored as they look really ugly.

How to get rid of Suntan?
Most of the ladies go for bleach and other cosmetic treatments to get rid of the tan. Such treatments might lighten the skin instantly, but in the long run they bring harm to the skin. Sunburn are stubborn they do not go away easily, so you need some patience to deal with them. Here are few home remedies for sun tan removal that will lighten the skin tone, as well as restore back its lost luster. 

Lemon juice works wonders to remove sun tan as it has natural bleaching properties. You can directly apply the juice on the affected area and once it dries up wash it with water. Even the mixture of lemon juice and honey will help you in getting rid of the stubborn tan.


Cucumber is known to be a great remedy to get rid of  the tan while its cooling effect soothes the skin. The Vitamin C in the cucumber also keeps the skin moisturized. Make a face pack with cucumber, rose water and lemon juice and apply it on the face. Keep it for 30 minutes and once you remove it you will see great results. 


Tomato also works great in removing sun tan. It has anti-oxidants property, minerals, and vitamins that help in making the skin look healthy. To remove the tan, you can make a mask by mixing tomato pulp, one tablespoon of yogurt and some oatmeal. Remove it after 5-10 minutes and get clear as well as glowing skin.


An excellent natural remedy to remove sun tan is Potato. It is rich in Vitamin C and so works as a great bleaching agent. Cut peeled potatoes and make a paste in the blender. Apply it on the affected area and wash it cold water after 20 to 30 minutes. To get best results add lemon juice to the paste.

Aloe Vera

The goodness of Aloe Vera is very effective in removing the sunburn and helps in lightening the skin. If it is applied directly to the affected area it will both cleanse as well as nourish the skin. Use it regularly to get the best results.
These homemade remedies can only effective if you religiously follow them. 

All eyes on you! How to...

Do you wanna be the best? Do you wanna go somewhere and make everyone look at you? Do you flirt  and make him go crazy? It has to do with belief in itself, walking safe and  gestures.

Here's how you can do it:

- Walking 

Divas count every step. Walk with small and precise steps. Everyone knows that women use heels to create the idea of ​​elegance and power, but this happens only if you feel comfortable in the chosen height.

- Hair 
Hair must be clean and tidy. Whether the seized or issued, hair must never appear disheveled.A brush and a hair dryer will be enough unless you want to use the straightener.

- Make Up 
Never apply makeup without previously hydrated your skin. If you are not sure how to put on make up, ask the help of an expert or check online. Never use makeup over makeup. 

- Outfit 
Dress for yourself. Do not wear a brand to be seen, not that they have any impact. Wear colors that inspire confidence. The black, white and red colors are strong, but more work will do your favorite color, because you would feel comfortable with it.

- Watches 
Never pick a false watch, but the best you can afford. In its absence even a bracelet will be enough to feel elegant.  
- Attitude 
Straighten your back and shoulders and make your body weight distributed equally on the heels and fingertips. Hold the bag in your hand or elbow, never in your shoulder  as if in a hurry to catch the train. 

Strange Beauty Tricks

 You read and you are often informed about beauty secrets or useful ways for your appearance, but the following are some really special tricks, strange and above all very necessary! Do not miss ...

 Today you can not find a bit of free time to cure your body ! Do not worry , for everything there is a solution ! For this, we'll help you with some beauty tricks ! They are used to be beautiful and perfect in less time , without compromising to look ridiculous . So how can you reduce the time to make up , but also for minor problems or major that may arise during it? Here are some strange tricks, but with guaranteed results.

To avoid stains
 When applying eye shadow get a plastic spoon and put it on the outside , on the eyelid . In this way any dust or residue will remain in the spoon and not in the eye . 
To reduce puffy eyesTake a potato and cut two slices no more money and put it on eye lashes for 10 minutes . Potato is going to alienate your eyes and reduce their ballooning 

For a quick mask 
If you need a mask , but you do not have time to go to the store , use Pepto Bismol, a powder with solvent power , which will give a positive effect on your face .Use a couple of tablespoons and keep it for 20 minutes .

To combat cellulite
 If cellulite is starting to notice everywhere in your body , use coffee grounds as a scrub for the body. Caffeine stimulates skin cells , releasing them from parts of dead skin.

Better hair 
Get mayonnaise from the refrigerator and apply it on your hair  ( as the hair with mayonnaise smeared all ) and just leave it for about 20 minutes . During this time use a dryer in order to double the mayonnaise effects . So can say goodbye to dry hair .  

The Best Way To Remove Make Up?

Of course you should know the answer ...

One of the most favorite products that is really  worth it is olive oil. When buying olive oil you probably want to buy high quality oil meaning EXTRA VIRGIN.

Oil which is derived from the first pressing of the olives, extracted without using heat or chemicals. The less processed, the closer olive natural taste and the better so it is the healthiest oil. You can use it to remove make up or in masks of various treatments for your skin.Follow the video to learn more:

Natural Eye Make Up Remover

Women Hair Loss Solution

To make one thing clear from the beginning. If you are a woman and you lose your hair, know you're not the only one who are struggling with this.
Even women can lose their hair. But this topic is not as popular for men. Any woman who faces this problem would have to submit to her doctor.
Let's look at some of the most common reasons for hair loss in women:

Low levels of iron
Iron deficiency, regardless of whether it is or not anemia, can cause hair loss.But you shouldn’t start using iron tablets if you don’t consult with a doctor. Even excess iron can cause health problems.

Low levels of estrogen
Many women lose their hair during and after menopause, when estrogen levels begin to fall. And other hormonal changes - for example, changes in oral contraceptives can also cause hair loss.

Hormonal changes after pregnancy
New mothers may lose a significant amount of hair in the first six months after birth, or until the estrogen levels return to normal.

Telogen effluvium
This term means a temporary loss of hair, which is due to stress or any recent surgery, which usually takes place two months after the situation that caused it.

Many medications can cause hair loss. If you have doubt on this, talk to your doctor about changing medications.

High levels of vitamin A and selenium
Careful with food supplements. Do not take them away, but only in consultation with a physician.

Several studies conducted in men have shown that smoking also increases hair loss.

What to do?
The best plan is to discover the real cause of hair loss and eliminate it. The best is to start with a blood test which will show the level of thyroid hormones, estrogen and iron.

In some cases, usually after menopause, the cause of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. The cause of hormonal changes in the body, ie. hormone imbalance between masculine and feminine.

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