Tell me how old you are, I’ll tell you what to eat

The nutrients cause changes in your body, and your age increases, which means that what you did well at the age of 20, may not work as well at the age of 40. Follow these tips to improve physical and mental health ...

When you're 20 years: salmon
The twenties are not always just funny times, but fortunately, chewing this cold water fish may help to prevent or treat depression, a condition where women are almost twice more likely to fall than men.
Unfortunately, a quarter-life crisis are all too common. Studies show that depression is more likely to initially develop between the ages of 15 and 34 years. But salmon is equipped with omega-3 fatty acids, which can stabilize your feelings by increasing the level of serotonin, the object that makes you feel good.

"At the age of 20 you are likely to work hard and spend time with friends and probably not have time to cook, so mostly rely on both pre-cooked meals. If twice a week you use salmon, then you do very well, "says Ruth Frenchman, an author of books on diets. "If you mix salmon with salad and with a little mayonnaise with low-fat lunch, taste may be better."

At age 30 years, egg and spinach

This is the time when you have children, so it is likely that you are simultaneously breast-feeding or are pregnant. Keep yourself well with omelets with spinach and milk every morning. The yellow of eggs and spinach contain colin, a nutrient that helps the child develop brain properly. The Institute of Medicine recommends consuming 425 mg colin on all the time, if you are pregnant, 450 mg and 550 mg if you are making breastfeeding.
A large egg will give 145 mg colin and a half cup of spinach to give 240 mg. Spinach has more priority, because it contains a valuable nutrient for other mothers, folatin, which helps in avoiding the birth defects. A half cup of cooked spinach provides about 130 mcg easy Folan, a third of what doctors recommend for women in this age. When you are pregnant, should aim at 600 mcg and when you're with milk, have to aim 500 mcg. If it fails these levels through diet, you may ask your doctor if taking supplements is a good idea.
When you're 40 years old, lean beef and broccoli

For those who love Hamburgers at this age, it is lucky. Lean beef contains much iron, a nutrient that helps in the production of red blood cells, the body with oxygen suppliers and to keep the energy level up. Doctors recommend 18 mg per day for women age 40 and 27 mg during pregnancy. 9 mg when you need milk. About 120 grams of meat will provide 4 mg iron. However, because the cancer doctors recommend limiting the consumption of red meat to about 520 grams per week, more than that can cause heart disease and cancer risk, should be required iron from other sources, such as shrimp or pumpkin seeds. When you're in your forties, is also critical of consuming vegetables like broccoli, because it reduces the risk of breast cancer.
In the 50's, no or only low-fat yogurt

You must have heard about the many benefits that come from fat yogurt with low-level or no fat. "Oestrogen contains calcium in your bones, but after menopause, you begin to lose estrogen, and consequently lose calcium and bone strength," says Joan Salge Blake, a nutricien. Provides approximately 300 mg cream or a quarter of the daily calcium needed. For the rest, drink fat-free milk and orange juice fortified with calcium or eat reduced-fat cheese.
To help your body absorb calcium, talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking the supplement with vitamin D, although you can get this vitamin through foods, like mushrooms or sun. However, it is difficult to get enough vitamin D through diet.
Legumes in 60 years

There is a song that is sung in schools in the U.S.: "fermented beans, kidney bean, are good for the heart." This is indeed true scientifically. All types of legumes, peas, fava beans, kidney bean or beans etc. blind., Contain high levels of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, a known factor for heart disease.
These small wonders are also rich in fiber, which help you feel full and keep a healthy weight. The fight against obesity and high blood pressure is important after this age, because women over 55 are twice as likely to be hit by a heart attack than men or younger women.


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