Coffee as a beauty product

Drink with which many people in the world wake up every morning is already a beauty recipe.

Coffee is the best friend for mornings and long days. The day begins by consuming one and continues with it because for many people is the product that they can’t do without during their life. But the most universally loved drink can be a friend and an object of beauty and ideal for multiple uses in the field of cosmetics made ​​at home. Today we can talk about the many ways to use the dark fluid and feel more beautiful.

Body Scrub, just mix a cup of coffee powder or coffee dregs of dried, with a cup of sugar, half a cup of olive oil, a half teaspoon cinnamon powder and nut spoon moscow. After you have applied the natural scrub, before you shower, massage in critical areas.

Coffee for cellulite. Color black and green are the colors that react to health stimulating circulation. To take advantage of the precious makeup you need four tablespoons of coffee powder and two tablespoons of mint essential oil,and  after applying makeup massage critical parts. For the face, you can make a Scrub light which disrupts the delicate skin there. The main element is the dregs of coffee. Once you throw a half cup of olive oil, add the coffee powder and stir until you get a creamy homogeneous composition. Then apply it on the face and massage delicacy exerting pressure easily.


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