Natural ways to eliminate wrinkles

Everyone of us wants to fight wrinkles that appear over the years and look younger. But to fight wrinkles? No expensive lotions and without aesthetic surgery ... We suggest you some effective natural methods.

Wrinkles are one of the sworn enemies of women. But wrinkles do not define a woman's beauty, which make it appear larger in age. Surely it is better to show care to avoid the appearance of wrinkles before. Antiwrinkle creams and products are the first choice of many women to avoid wrinkles. But these products are not the only ones. Rather than fight wrinkles with creams often costly or surgeries, why not try natural products? It was discovered that some food products  help fight wrinkles naturally. Here are some of them ...


Divide the egg white in a bowl. Massage this composition onto the skin and leave it to dry for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water. The white of the egg contains vitamins E and B, effective against deterioration of cell membranes and protection from ultraviolet rays.

Olive oil

Already known characteristics of olive oil to help skin stay soft and protected. Try to massage a few drops of the oil easily in the face before you go to sleep and cover it with a soft towel.

Fruit and vegetables

Fresh fruit and vegetables, generally those with vitamin A and D, help you to keep your face fresh and tonificated. Lack of vitamin A, in fact, is one of the causes drying of epidermis, ie the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin A stimulates the production of collagen, promotes cellular regeneration, lighten the tone of the face and removes dark spots formed by the sun or by age.

Lemon juice

Cut a  lemon in half and a piece of grain and massage it on facial wrinkles. The acidity of the lemon juice makes the skin smooth and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. If you apply fresh lemon also helps skin whitening stains thanks to ascorbic acid content.

Antiwrinkle massage

Take some cotton, make it with tonic and use it to massage your face for a few minutes. Massage into the critical areas such as wrinkles around the eyes, forehead and neck. If you want to enjoy a moment of relaxation, you should consult a health care center or aesthetic benefit and a relaxing treatment for the face.


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